4. Brief Introduction to Inputs

The dictionary CanteraTorchProperties is the original dictionary of DeepFlame. It reads in network related parameters and configurations. It typically looks like:

chemistry           on;
CanteraMechanismFile "ES80_H2-7-16.yaml";
transportModel "Mix";
    "relTol"   1e-15;
    "absTol"   1e-24;
inertSpecie        "N2";
    constantProperty "pressure";

splittingStretagy false;

    torch on;
    GPU   off;
    log  on;
    torchModel "HE04_Hydrogen_ESH2_GMS_sub_20221101";
    coresPerNode 4;

        active  false;
        //log   true;

In the above example, the meanings of the parameters are:

  • CanteraMechanismFile: the name of the reaction mechanism file.

  • transportModel: the default model is Mix, but other models including UnityLewis and Multi are also availabile.

  • constantProperty: property set to be constant during reaction. It can be set to pressure or volume.

  • odeCoeffs: the ode tolerance. 1e-15 and 1e-24 are used for network training, so they should be kept the same when comparing results with and without DNN. Default values are 1e-9 and 1e-15.

  • TorchSettings: all paramenters regarding the usage of DNN. This section will not be read in CVODE cases.

  • torch: the switch used to control the on and off of DNN. If users are running CVODE, this needs to be switched off.

  • GPU: the switch used to control whether GPU or CPU is used to carry out inference.

  • torchModel: name of network.

  • coresPerNode: If you are using one node on a cluster or using your own PC, set this parameter to the actual number of cores used to run the task. If you are using more than one node on a cluster, set this parameter the total number of cores on one node. The number of GPUs used is auto-detected.

The dictionary combustionProperties is the original dictionary of DeepFlame. It reads in network related parameters and configurations. It typically looks like:

combustionModel  flareFGM;//PaSR,EDC

    version v2005;

      type   globalScale;//globalScale,kolmogorovScale,geometriMeanScale,dynamicScale
        Cmix  0.01;

        ChiType      algebraic;// algebraic; transport;
      type  globalConvertion;//formationRate,globalConvertion
           fuel CH4;
           oxidizer O2;


  buffer           false;
  scaledPV         false;
  combustion       false;
  ignition         false;
  solveEnthalpy    false;
  flameletT        false;
  relaxation       false;
  DpDt             false;
/*ignition         false;
  ignBeginTime     0.1;
  ignDurationTime  0.0;
  x0               0.0;
  y0               0.0;
  z0               0.0;
  R0               0.0;*/
  Sct              0.7;
  bufferTime       0.0;
  speciesName      ("CO");

In the above example, the meanings of the parameters are:

  • combustionModel: the name of the combustion model, alternative models include PaSR, EDC, flareFGM.

  • EDCCoeffs, PaSRCoeffs, flareFGMCoeffs: model cofficients we need to define.

  • mixingScale: turbulent mixing time scale including globalScale,kolmogorovScale,geometriMeanScale,dynamicScale.

  • ChiType: algebraic and transport are available for ChiType when selecting dynamicScale.

  • chemistryScale: chemistry reaction time scale including formationRate,globalConvertion .

  • buffer: switch for buffer time.

  • scaledPV:the switch is used to determine whether to use scaled progress variables or not.

  • combustion:the switch is used to control whether the chemical reactions are on or off.

  • ignition:the switch is used to control whether the ignition is on or off.

  • solveEnthalpy:the switch is used to determine whether to solve enthalpy equation or not.

  • flameletT:the switch is used to determine whether to read flame temperature from table or not.

  • relaxation:the switch is used to determine whether to use relaxation iteration for transport equations or not.

  • DpDt:the switch is used to determine whether to include material derivatives or not.

  • ignBeginTime:beginning time of ignition.

  • ignDurationTime:duration time of ignition.

  • x0, y0, z0:coordinate of ignition center.

  • R0:radius of ignition region.

  • Sct:turbulent Schmidt number, default value is set as 0.7.

  • speciesName:name of species we need to lookup.